Spermicide ALONE...

A couple weeks ago I had sex with my boyfriend with JUST SPERMICIDE. He came a little inside of me I believe and after the fact I realized something. My period is ALWAYS on the 17th. I had sex on the 2nd. I’m guessing that I must have been ovulating. Ugh. My boyfriend thinks I’m pregnant since I’m OVERLY bloated, sore boobs, and I sleep more than usual. BUT I’m suppose to be getting my period this Friday so it might be PMS but some of my symptoms seem odd. I took a test and it came out negative last week but my doctor said that it was way too early to take a test & to wait 10-14 days. What are my percentages of me being pregnant from using just spermicide?

Hopefully you guys could help me out… =/ -LX

Answer #1

you know, the chances of you actually being preg. by just that are pretty slim unless hes got some strong sperm cz I really dotn see you getting preg. by just that but thats not ti say it couldnt happen its just not really a sure thing, but you know you could use a pill or condoms if your really that scared, or even get yourself tied an that changes the problem 100%

Answer #2

Duh a million percent. A guy does not have to ejaculate in you. Throught the whole intercoasrse the guy is dribbling and leaking. Its just during orgasm is when he thinks he is pulling out on time. There is just as many sperm being released during the dribbling as the ejaculatioin. Well at least a lot of them are swimming out. The spermicide only kills what it touches. I am sure yu didnt put it in as far as the guy can go. Keep talking to your doc

Answer #3

Should I wait until Friday to see if my period comes or should I take my last test that I have available? Like it really matters but still… see yourself in my shoes; sandals to be exact…

Answer #4

take the 5 days before your period pregnancy test, if thats negative wait till friday

Answer #5

I’d take the test now, chances are you ARE pregnant.

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