Spermicidal condoms

If we are using a spermicidal condom, but theere is not enough lube. Can we use normal lube on the dick or will it mess up the spermicidal stuff already on it?

Answer #1

The spermicide doesn’t really do much anyway besides lubricating. The main thing is that the condom is 97% effective (IF USED CORRECTLY) at preventing pregnancy, and ALSO very effective at preventing the spread of most STD’s. (Birth control pills are 99.7% at stopping pregnancies, but do nothing to prevent STD’s.) Remember, though, that the condom has to be on BEFORE his penis touches your vagina, because his pre-ejaculate contains enough sperm to get you pregnant.

Keep in mind that a condom can fail (break or slip off). If that happens, get the morning after pill right away! (In the US it is sold under the name of “Plan B” and is available to anyone 18 or older simply by asking for it at the pharmacy counter.) You might consider buying a dose of Plan B right now and keep it on hand, since the sooner you take it, the more effective it is (85% max to about 70% if taken 3-4 days after the failure).

Good for you for being concerned about your reproductive health. Take care and Good Luck!!

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