soulmates or is it love?

I have been best friends with a guy for 8 months and I know thats not long but we hit it off as soon as we met. We both thought the other looked familiar. After that we hung out everday of the summer and almost every day until now. His parents think they see something and think we will end up being together. but I dont know what he feels about me. I believe I am in love with him. not lust, love. He always cuddles with me and when I sleep at his house we always sleep in the same bed. he play fights with me. Before he falls asleep he loves to play with my hair or likes me to draw on his arm or we talk.. his mom says she can see it. she says whenever he walks in his house and im there he says something to me first. she says the way he looks at me and talks to me that she can see something. we both know what his mom thinks and he hasnt really talked to me about it. but I really love him. with all my heart. I know its real. I just dont know if he feels the same way. or anything other then being my best friend. could we just be soulmates or could it be something more?

Answer #1

I think either way this is going to come down to the obvious fact that you need to talk to this guy. Speculating and wondering are not the things that you want to be doing. So many people are curious about such things, but wait too long or don’t have enough belief in themselves to ask, etc and it is a mistake.

All we can do here is give you our opinions. Just because we think something is so, is not going to mean necessarily that we are right. The person who knows the most about this situation is you and you need to learn to trust your own judgement more and believe in yourself. In my opinion, there is definitely something to this and I can definitely see a lot of affection there (as can the guy’s mother). You have outlined the way he acts around you and if I were in your position, I would think that he likes me.

What you need to do is talk to this person. I know that this can be hard and there are a lot of nerves involved, but if you want to know how he feels, the only person who can tell you is him. Nobody here knows (unless he happens to be a member, lol). When you get a quiet moment with this guy, you need to talk to him about your feelings. Explain why you like him so much and reflect on the good times that you have shared. Don’t hold back; tell him what he needs to know. You want to know whether or not he feels the same way about you and to find out, you will have to ask him. Be calm (hold his hand or give him a hug if you wish) and then ask him if he feels the same way about you.

You need to reassure him that if he doesn’t, you will not let your feelings stand in the way of your friendship and that you don’t want this to affect either of you in any negative way. At the end of the day, if you really care about this person and want to know if they feel the same, you have to ask. If he doesn’t share your feelings, it is not the end of the world, or the end of the road. Continue to be his friend and don’t let things change. He will continue to make you feel special and you will have a lot of fun together. The vital thing to remember is that you are happy now with just his friendship. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way, he can make you just as happy as before :).

I do wish you all the best and make sure you talk to him. No one here can really answer the question that you really have in mind, but he can. Talk to him about your feelings and hopefully he’ll feel the same :)!

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