Sorry More guy problems...

well if you have read my other questions I broke up with my boyfriend about a month and a half or two (I don’t really feel like doing the math.) and I was upset so I stopped talking to him. we started talking like a week or two ago and well he’s acting really wierd, like way back when we used to be best friends and well right before he asked me out. and im confused because im sure he doesn’t like me, or atleast I don’t think he does. He told my friend that the reason we keep breaking up is because I changed. which isn’t really true he’s the one who changes. anyway im confused, does he or does he not like me? and if he does what should I do?

Answer #1

Well I can’t tell you whether or not he likes you… The only person who will be able to determine that is you. If he does like you, there are many emotional things that you must consider. As you stated, he changes a lot (and yet he says it is you) and you appear to be an on-and-off couple. If I were you, I would move on because that degree of unpredictability in a man is a little bit too much.

As for why he said that you are the one who is always changing I cannot be sure. You might be changing in ways that you haven’t noticed which he has. You need to be mature and consider your own feelings. You need someone who is less indecisive and someone who knows and properly understands his feelings towards you. It might be hard, but this might well be a guy whom you have to let go.

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