what do you think of it

how do you like the beginning of this song so far (im not very good at writing songs and this is my first one I think is good enough for showing) haha

            Life is a puzzle that can never be figured out

Everyone tried it but somehow there were ups and downs wrongs and rights but things turn out difficult somewhere along the line


because he was puzzle piece that was never found that left the puzzle undone There was that spot that tricked everyone all the time and you are the puzzle piece that leaves the puzzle incomplete.

any suggestions on how to continue or any ways to fix it please I need your advice

Answer #1

ok… make each verse shorter unless this is a REALLY fast song.. umm also its doesnt flow the way im singing it so maybe it flows your way other than that its REALLY good!!!

Answer #2

I start mine with a wird kind of lull. If that makes sence, some thing to draw the listener in. A bit like the Morrigan Masque.


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Music production, Music theory, Music education