Something is wrong

Please do not say I am craving attntion, I’m scared and I’m being serious

I am worried. I am really skinny (5’6 and about 102 pounds) 15 years old, and after cross country I’ll weigh less. Im smaller than all my friends. I’m a size 00 and XS. I have defined abs but I think I’m fat and I want to starve myself. I am so scared I don’t see myself as others see me. I’m showing signs of anorexia or bulemia and I’m so scared my mom won’t listen to me she doesn’t think I’m being serious

Answer #1

800- 448-4663

Answer #2

Does anyone know of any online support groups?

Answer #3

go to your doctor. the best thing anyone can say

Answer #4

thats ok im 15, 5’6 and I weight almost 100 pounds,(like 98/99pounds) I eat like sooo much and cannot gain weight. I am a competitive gymnast hoping to go to world championships or the olympics so I guess being in the gym all day everyday dosent help. I tell my parents all the time that I think im too skinny cause I barly fit into a size 00. they just tell me I have a gymnast cut. I am very muscular and thats where I get most my weight. so my advice to you is dont worry to much about because there are skinny people like you. when you are only 110 pounds and think your fat that where you have a poblem. you should not starve yourself because thats horrible and your not fat. if you think your fat at that weight you need some serious help. people need to just learn to live with what they have I mean there is going to be fat people, skinny people, short people, tall people and what you need to realize is just be yourself everyone else is taken! dont try to look like anyone else but your self :) good luck

Answer #5

Theres something wrong with your mom. You are underweight only by about 10 t0 15 lbs so you should get help before it gets worse. I’ll find a anorexic hotline for you :)

Answer #6

start trying to eat more. even if you think you can’t. take some vitamins too.
since your mother doesn’t really seem to be showing much support for this either. and I’m not talking about junk food either because that might just make you get diabetes (well eventually it might…). exercise is good but too much exercise could strain your body and if you overwork yourself there are lethal (life threatening)consequences. keep in mind that there is such a thing as too skinny.

another good piece of information is that although models may ‘look’ beautiful they actually have to starve to keep their jobs. not to mention the pounds of makeup most of them wear. there are other ways of being beautiful.

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