me and my boyfriend

Tomorrow my boyfriend and I are suppose to hang out, and I want to be able to do something fun with him, and something that I can do without really spending money, we always just sit at home and watch movies. any advice on what we can do? :)

Answer #1

haha, I like the picnic idea, but maybe you can go outside and walk around, go adventuring :D Or if you live in a pretty boring area go to a library and pop ballons, or go swimming, or whatever you have around you.

Answer #2

Ummm I know this sounds cheesy lol, but how about a picnic? just grab some food from your house and ask him to grab some from his and all you need then is a nice spot and a blanket lol. :)

Answer #3

omg I have the same prob!! lol uhhh pinic, park, waterballoons, water guns, mall, uhhh… these are cheesy stuff, but we wind up having the BEST TIME!! going to diners and just chillen with a plate of fries, amish markets, play dress up (make him the girl and you the guy) play with bubbles, dance. like see who does it best or try diff dances (crunk, tango, swing) haha hope this helps!!


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