Could I be pregnant?

im 17, and I’ve been on the depo shot for a little over a year, well in may I started putting on weight, and recently within the 3 months its gottin worse, im starting to wonder if I could be pregnant, I mean I’ve gained weight, I have bad stretch marks like on the inside and outside of my hips, I went from like 120, to 140 in 3 months, I mean I was on that shot so I dont have my period so I cant tell if im missing them. im not really like nauseas or vomiting or having morning sickness, I mean sometimes I feel like im going to puke but I dont. and my boyfriend says my boobs have gottin bigger, im not depressed or anything, but I eat a lot, and im constantly going to the bathroom, its just I dont think I could be pregnant because im on that shot and he always pulls out.

someone help me im scared to buy a test im afraid of the result.

Answer #1

If you don’t want to take a test - we can’t help you.

Answer #2

well thew only thing that worried me, is because I’ve been on the shot for over a year and just randomly 3 months ago I gained all this weight , my boyfriend says he doesnt think I’ve put on anymore. but I still put on this much.

Answer #3

I will, but im just seeing if anyone thinks its possible which im hoping everyone says its just a bad weight gain/.

Answer #4

These are the side effects of being on depo: -Irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation -Weight gain -Headaches -Anxiety -Stomach pain or cramps -Dizziness -Weakness or fatigue -Loss of libido

Nausea, breast enlargement and frequent urination are not included in that list. Get the test done so you can put your mind at ease.

Answer #5

70% of women on the depo shot gain weight. So that is probably your main problem and most women struggle to fall pregnant even up to a year afterwards. In your situation the only solution would be to see a doctor.

Answer #6

no your not prego that shot makes you gain weight. and if you went from 120 to 140 thats prety normal to gain about 20lbs in 3 months on the shot but you mite be pregnant so take a test just in case.

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