Some friend

A friend flirts with this guy that she knows is a perv She knows that because he did somethin really wrong 2 me Even though she was aware of that she asked him out She she thought it was “cool” 2 have a guy bother her He really messed with me really bad I dont know how to deal with her after what she is doing

What do I say/do with her?

Answer #1

its her choice. if she thinks thats cool then shes going to run into a lot of problems later in life with men. maybe she hasnt let herself realize what a jerk this guy is because she wants him to be something hes not. you could try explaining it to her how it’s making you angry/upset. if she doesn’t get it then or you don’t want to do that maybe you should take a break from her, at least until she can realize what a creep this guy is or bother understanding where your coming from.

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