Some debatable questions

Ok so a couple of days ago me and my homies were talking at lunch and we got on the subject of the following…what is your guyses perspectives…

  1. You have a four year old daughter-julia. Julia has had some strange mood swings, so you, being a concerned parent, take her to a phychiatrist. The phychatrist diagnoses her w/ bipolar disorder adn gives her medication for it. Later julia dies from the medication…would you sue the phychiatrist? Why or why not? you feel as if abortion should be legalized or not? If you feel it shudnt,, does this concern all circumstances, or do you feel as if abortion should not be legal, unless it wasnt your falt I.e rape.

  1. You are a woman in this one. You were unfortunatly raped one day, and found out you were pregnant with the you and the rapists kid. Do you feel as if an abortion should be right here? Why or why not?
Answer #1

briand- the child does hear and that’s why after babies are delivered there are recordings of the mother’s heartbeat from inside the womb that the baby is comforted by. and a child shouldn’t be deprived at the chance of life that abortion takes away from it. how about the college and highschool students that are becoming pregnant stop being so irresponsible? maybe you should wear a condom if you aren’t having sex in order to have a baby. it’s also unrealistic to rely on abortion to fix a careless mistake when there are ways of avoiding becoming pregnant. here you’ve got this great thing going to start a school for AIDS orphans where you’re trying to help them have better lives, yet at the same time you’re saying if you became pregnant you would abort. I feel that’s pretty hypocritical. maybe since you feel abortions should be done so the child doesn’t have to live a consequencial life, you should open up an abortion clinic next to the boarding school that way when AIDS infected women become pregnant, they can have their babies aborting so as to save them from a life of misery.

now in my answer to your question…

  1. I would sue because there should have been tests run to make sure that her body would be compatible with the medications. although if the death were listed as a side effect, I wouldn’t sue because in that case, you were warned.
  2. you pretty much got the jist of my feelings on abortion… and
  3. no, I would not abort. I am agains abortion through all circumstances. however, depending upon the way I would be handling my terrible experience, I would most certainly consider an open adoption.

hope I was helpful =]

Answer #2

You obviously completely missed most of my comment, but that’s ok. Do you think that it should be illegal? Because in that case you are striking me down personally, you are making me unable to make decisions for myself. And you are right, they usually don’t go to orphanages, they usually go into foster care and are tossed around to tons of different foster homes in which they are usually abused, mistreated or molested. I would not want to put any of my flesh and blood through the foster care system.

Answer #3

did I once say a high school student should raise I child? no. I said that if they didn’t want to get pregnant they should used some sort of birth control or simply keep their legs closed. and if you have a baby and don’t want it, there are always willing couples to adopt it because they can’t have a child themselves. these babies do not go into orphanages most of the time. and God also gave the guarantee of life and by no means is that fair to take away. obviously we do have different views on this subject and my intentions are by no means to strike you personally, just to put up the other side of what you’re saying.

Answer #4

Ell: 2. Abortion should be legal because until he child is born it is still a part of the mother’s body and is not its own person. How can you possibly be alive in the beginning stages of development, if you have not seen sunlight, people, animals or colors? The child has not opened its eyes yet. It has not smelled anything, felt anything, or heard anything. Life is not the process of breathing and circulating your blood, iit is your conscious thoughts on events and a collection of knowledge and memory. The embryo has not had that, it is insentient until just before it exits the womb. Since it is a body part of the mother when it is an embryo it is that mother’s choice what she is to do with it. It is her choice to decide what is more moral.A child should not be a “consequence” of a mother’s stupid act. If you make a child a consequence it will be treated as such, it will know itself to be a hinderance and a mistake. If you give the child to an orphanage it will be even more aware of this. If you have read Toni Morrison’s Beloved you will remember the decision that Sethe had to make, give her children a quick death so that they do not suffer and ascend to heaven, or let them be taken away into slavery for a life of degradation and suffering. This is a less dramatic version of the same decision, and it does not matter what YOU would choose, it is not YOUR body part, it is that specific mothers. A child should only be born to parents who are prepared, who have jobs to support it, love to give to it, not high school or college students who are still trying to get started with their own lives. The child should not be punished for its parents mistakes. I plan on going to Africa when I am though with college, I’m going to start a boarding school for AIDS orphans, it has been my dream since I was thirteen and I’m twenty now. If I had a kid that dream would not happen, but I also have a relationship with a very great guy. It is unrealistic to leave sex out of nearly six year relationship between adults. If I were to get pregnant, I would abort the child. It would be less of an evil than abandoning my orphans in Africa.

Answer #5

Ell: 2. Abortion should be legal because until he child is born it is still a part of the mother’s body and is not its own person. How can you possibly be alive in the beginning stages of development, if you have not seen sunlight, people, animals or colors? The child has not opened its eyes yet. It has not smelled anything, felt anything, or heard anything. Life is not the process of breathing and circulating your blood, iit is your conscious thoughts on events and a collection of knowledge and memory. The embryo has not had that, it is insentient until just before it exits the womb. Since it is a body part of the mother when it is an embryo it is that mother’s choice what she is to do with it. It is her choice to decide what is more moral.A child should not be a “consequence” of a mother’s stupid act. If you make a child a consequence it will be treated as such, it will know itself to be a hinderance and a mistake. If you give the child to an orphanage it will be even more aware of this. If you have read Toni Morrison’s Beloved you will remember the decision that Sethe had to make, give her children a quick death so that they do not suffer and ascend to heaven, or let them be taken away into slavery for a life of degradation and suffering. This is a less dramatic version of the same decision, and it does not matter what YOU would choose, it is not YOUR body part, it is that specific mothers. A child should only be born to parents who are prepared, who have jobs to support it, love to give to it, not high school or college students who are still trying to get started with their own lives. The child should not be punished for its parents mistakes. I plan on going to Africa when I am though with college, I’m going to start a boarding school for AIDS orphans, it has been my dream since I was thirteen and I’m twenty now. If I had a kid that dream would not happen, but I also have a relationship with a very great guy. It is unrealistic to leave sex out of nearly six year relationship between adults. If I were to get pregnant, I would abort the child. It would be less of an evil than abandoning my orphans in Africa.

Answer #6

Do you really think that a child born to a high school student would be raised well? I’m twenty and I couldn’t raise a child. The world does not need to orphan any more children. I am going to help thousands of orphans who were brought into this world carelessly or in bad circumstances. These children will not have AIDs but will have been orphaned by the death or abandonment of one or both parents due to AIDs. Africa is a different type of society and they don’t have the resources to have safe sex, abortions, medical testing. There is no education or job opportunity that a girl can really screw up by getting pregnant. Study the anthropology of Africa versus America before you call me a hypocrite. My morals, are different than your morals, based on the information that I have been given in my life. I respect your choice not to abort when and if you get pregnant because that fetus is a part of your body, and I believe that you should be allowed to make the decision for it. I would only ask that you would allow me that same courtesy of choice, so that I can finish school, and help thousands of people. Does that sound immoral to you? Because it sounds like the lesser of two evils to me. God garanted me with the gift of choice, and it is not the US governments right to take that away from me. If I am wrong then I accept it and perhaps I will go to Hell, but don’t damn me with your own beliefs.The fetus can hear after a certain point but a doctor will not perform an abortion at that point. That is already considered unsafe medical practice and is already illegal. And about using protection, yes everyone should use protection but it does not always work. One in every 100 couples for condems and the same for BC get pregnant every year. They were safe, should they still have to suffer the consequences andput the burden on their children? Or do you think that they should be abstinent until menopause? What a life that would be. Be realistic. The government cannot go case by case to see every woman who wants an abortion. Half of them would lie anyway. The girls who get raped, you would make them experience a childbirth to add on to their trauma? I find your morals to be as questionable as you apparently find mine to be, all I suggest is that you let me use my God given right of choice so that I can do what I think is right.

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