So will any Christians here sell me a slave?

I’m sick & tired of the following “the bible has all the answers”…there isn’t a single religious book that does.

Now, if the Bible is all true, accurate the inspired word of god, etc…how many Christians here have slaves? Beat them? Will be willing to sell me one, so I can set them free?

Fact: if one part of new testament isn’t the inspired word of god…and something you should follow to the letter, none of it is, right? RIGHT? So I heard in church for almost a decade, so I’ve read on this site.

So…where’s the Christian slave trader at?

Answer #1

To fruity and lara … Sorry, slavery was NOT metaphorical…

Exodus 21:2 If thou buy an Hebrew servant…

Exodus 21:7 If a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant…

Exodus 21:20-21 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.

Exodus 22:3 If he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

Leviticus 22:11 If the priest buy any soul with his money…

Leviticus 25:39 And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee…

Leviticus 25:44-46 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever.

Ephesians 6:5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.

Colossians 3:22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God.

1 Timothy 6:1 Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.

Titus 2:9-10 Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.

1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the perverse.

Answer #2

“So…where’s the Christian slave trader at?”


Answer #3

At least those who serve man will have somthing that no self serving man will ever have.

so when are you coming to clean my house? or are you going to be a hypocrite and be a self serving man? but hey, that’s ok, because all you have to do is ask for forgiveness every few days right?

Answer #4

y’all are so cute…

Answer #5

I’m also happy to buy any slaves Christians might have. I’ll trade you for a garment of mixed cloth, some prawns, and a side of bacon!

Answer #6

Yes the bible has all the answers, because its god talking to you. of course you wont get what God has to say to through bible if you dont want to listen and believe in it. and if you stay in that manner ( being arrogant and aggressive you will not understand anything) change your attitude, pray and ask for gods voice,

Answer #7

who would you rather slave to?

uhm money? see because then I decide what I do with my life, and oh yeah, my kids arent sold, and I’m not beaten. but hey, if you’re offering, I could do with someone to clean my house… as long as you’re willing to work for nothing, be treated as property, and have no freedoms, dignity or respect. But that’s a good thing right?

Answer #8

Haha. The answers are kinda funny explaining not the question. Well the question you asked.

I have yet to see any slave traders :D

Aren’t you glad I answerd your question?

Answer #9

I’m sick & tired of the following “the bible has all the answers”…there isn’t a single religious book that does.

You’re spot on. However, one should never underestimate the awesome power and knowledge… of custard…

Answer #10

doesn’t the Bible talk about selling your daughter into slavery, and also if you make something with a certain fabric it’s punishable by death, sorry I’m not the Christian slave trader you were looking for but I think it’s the Bible that says that

Answer #11

Oh and please don’t forget to shoot a prayer to the Boogieman before having your bacon and shellfish (which you actually MAY not eat) and while you are at it, take your clothes of and ask him who the heck is going to clean up after you’re feast, since times has changed and there’s not a slave within a thousand sea miles ;-)

Answer #12

whatever it was I believe in this: God created the word to be a good place for humans to live in with peace and love in the air. earth was God’s kingdom. When adam and eve chose to commit their first sin we draft away from god and put the devil in charge on what was calles God’s kingdom where the devil created salvery , wars and everything God doesn’t want. Jesus came to our world to reunite us with God not to fix what devil has done to earth because jesus is not interested in our material world. Jesus has his own kingdom now in heaven were he is in charge and there is no slaves nor masters. if Jesus was with salvery he wouldn’t say inGalatians 3:28: “”There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.””

Answer #13

Dude just feels the need to put down the religious community again, and I feel the need to comment on it.

Well, if the fish bites the bait…

If those who follow the bible see fit to quote bits and pieces at us to try and convert those of us who don’t follow it, then we should be able to remind you of the juicy tidbits you choose to ignore/omit.

Speaking of which… if it is the 100% true word of ‘God’… why do you pick and choose the bits you live by? I mean, shouldn’t you live by all of it, if it really is the truth?

Answer #14

If people believe that the bible answers all their questions let them, it would be annoying if christians started pestering us all the time like “why you eating pizza eugh god pizza is rank who likes pizza anyways, do you like pizza? no1 likes pizza stop eating pizza”…at the end of the day its just a book that was edited like 1500 years after jesus was born so a guess nobody does know his TRUE DOB if he existed, nor his death. Plus at the time I dont think christians cared about their book at the time of the slave trade because the whole country was making a heck load of money, so I think they can sacrifice a few words on a few pages for the good of the country.

Answer #15

The initial holy war was not with the gnostics, but with the various early Christian sects (1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries) prior to the catholicizing movement. Every sect considered every other sect to be heretical. In the end though, concessions were made to pull everyone into a big tent, and then Constantine finalized the process creating a single unified church.

The pograms against the gnostics happened after that point.

Answer #16

Well I don’t expect you to understand, this isn’t a debatable topic that I could retract my beliefs on. Dude just feels the need to put down the religious community again, and I feel the need to comment on it. At least those who serve man will have somthing that no self serving man will ever have. There is no way you can waver my faith, a man who wields the word of G-d and knows how to use it. Go ahead post questions and I will have no fear.

Answer #17

In the bible we go from one form of slavery to another at least one point in our lives. We can become slaves to man, or to money. To sin or to righteousness. Tell me who would you rather slave to? A simple thing such as money, or to serve man. There is much to be said about the service to another, at least they still have their pride. Any man who does the work of G-d performs slave labor. All of G-d children are slaves to righteousness. G-d bless.

Answer #18

yea that’s right you can’t make of a garment with two kinds of things

Answer #19

Our brains have all the answers.. Sometimes our hearts..

Here’s one thing you should know about the truth:

It’s INSIDE of us.

Holy Books are useless if you read them with your eyes only. It’s your brain that should get things done here. I believe in The Noble Quran, The Noble Bible and The Noble Torah..

But above all, I believe in my brain

Keep your head high up

Greetings from Egypt!

Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #20

I’ve been reading a book on a guy who was trying to live according to the bible for the year, these are fun things I’ve learnt so far… :) I wonder how people manage to completely ignore these when they read the bible. or maybe they just dont read the bible

Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress - Proverbs 31:6

When a woman has a discharge of blood, which is her regular discharge from her body, she shall be in her impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening - Leviticus 15:19

Nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff - Leviticus 19:19

Answer #21

Arachnid: I was interested at prawns, but the bacon just sold it!

Answer #22

You have to keep in mind that this book is over 2000 years old and our way of life has changed since then. Today if one were to keep a slave it would be illegal and you would be committing a crime against humans rights. But at the time of which these laws were written this was a way of life and laws were needed to look upon as a standard just as laws are needed today. Altho today you can’t beat your hired help in a sense your boss does own you can and punish if he/she wanted by firing you. It’s all in a matter of how you apply it to today’s time period.

You also have to keep in mind that your taking these Scriptures from the old testament. The old testament was ment to show people that they are indeed sinful beings and cannot get to heaven by there own works. It also puts in place the practises and laws. Since the writing of the new testament a lot of these practises and old laws have become obsolete but not entirely obsolete.

Answer #23

“Your name is Toby!”

Answer #24

Meh… The bible has more holes then we have bullets it seems. Atleast thats my view.

Answer #25

I agree.
They also say that if you eat shellfish you’re an abomonation. Down with Red Lobster!

Answer #26

paha custard.

Answer #27

Oh, mama… is massa’ gawna sell us tomorruh?

Answer #28

I think it also says not to wear cotton?

Answer #29

Right here… Actually, the Bible says they WE meaning Christians are slaves to Christ. We where bought at a price.. So actually slaves refer to Christians. So if we’re bothering you so much about Jesus, we sort of have to. We don’t belong to ourselves. =) Hey, I’d rather be a slave to a King who rides into his capitol city on a donkey, then to be a slave to a king who rides in with CIA SUV’s and nuclear weapon pointed at everything else.. lol.. Now of coarse there where slaves all the way back. And the Bible deals with slaves in the Old Testament. In those days, slaves where common and necessary for many peoples survivals. Many times slavery was brutal and hatred was involved. Remember, the Israelite where born into slavery. Also at that time, many tribes where interested in keeping their tribal identity and didn’t want to intermix with many other tribes. This was a big problem, so it was popular to slaughter the tribes. But they didn’t always want to do that, so what could they do? Enslave them. God knew these where the issues of the day and so the law of Moses dealt with those issues. Now new testament, very different. Slavery was very common during Jesus day. I think 80% of the old world was under Roman slavery. So Apostle Paul deals with it in the same way he dealt with everything. Pretty much the main point was, count this life as nothing. Submit to people serving people. This is what we are here for. Before we we’re just slaves for no real reason at all. He worked and paid bills, but still we lived meaningless lives. But know we have been bought by Jesus. Now we work for him for his purpose. Paul say’s, if you can get secure your freedom, secure it. It is not Gods will that anyone be slaves. But because this present world is passing away, we focus on saving souls on what ever level we’re at and this is how God is able to free people.

I do campus ministry and I gotta say, there students are in slavery. They think they are free. The system really gets them believing they are free. So they do so many strange things using up there freedom to the max. Yet what they don’t know is that they are become more and more a slave as they practice there freedom. They forget who they really are and they forget why they are hear. Then the powers that be exercise full control when the time is right. This is how the enemy has always worked. This is how he got Adam and Eve. But what happens. There parents leave them in darkness. They where taught to live for money and success, but then they see the enemy with there money and success right in his hand.. Many college students don’t know what’s going to happen so they don’t know what to do with there lives. They don’t understand that they are smack in the middle of a war that there parents started and they don’t even know it. This is slavery. A whole society that put there children and children’s children into debt.. Christianity is really freedom. Jesus died so we can now really live this action packed life of fighting this truth war… You can ether be a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. Slave to sin is painful and does not satisfy. Slave to righteousness, action packed fulfilling meaningful life filled with purpose. Warrior kind of life… I submit to you, your missing out.

Answer #30

“Dude… It’s there culture. You cant argue with that.”

Really? So you don’t believe in moral absolutes? I thought that Christianity kind of required that.

“It may seem wrong in this day in age because we have the means to change it. They didn’t.”

Perhaps not, but that’s not the question. The question is, if slavery is morally wrong, why didn’t God tell them not to do it, and why does ‘his’ holy book contain instructions on how best to carry it out?

“Slavery was there welfare system. and if it wasn’t paid off in there life time it was handed down to the next.”

You’re conflating slavery of other Israelites with slavery of other cultures - see the page I linked to. Conquering other cultures and taking their people as slaves, with no hope of redemption, doesn’t count as ‘welfare’.

“No different the our debts being handed down to our children”

Er, they’re not. When someone dies, their assets are sold to pay their debts, if necessary. Next-of-kin get to keep any remaining assets, but don’t get saddled with any remaining debts.

“and a beating was there way of a punishment… no different then locking up someone up”

Ah, so you don’t think it’s morally wrong to beat someone nearly to death either, as long as they don’t die for at least a few days?

Answer #31

By bad one more thing…

Sometimes Jewish slaves had limited terms of slavery because they were able to pay off there debts. Like I said it was there welfare system… =/

Answer #32

Dude… It’s there culture. You cant argue with that. It may seem wrong in this day in age because we have the means to change it. They didn’t. Slavery was there welfare system. and if it wasn’t paid off in there life time it was handed down to the next. No different the our debts being handed down to our children… With no means of a welfare system that’s just they way it was… and a beating was there way of a punishment… no different then locking up someone up. They didn’t have the means to lock up how many thousands of people for there wrong doing. So sometimes a beating was the only answer. Thats just the way it was.

Answer #33

“Your not reading me. Slavery had a whole different meaning then. They had families, they had rights, they had money…”

Did you miss the bit where I quoted the bible’s rather explicit verses about slavery? Jewish slaves had some rights - such as the right to not - quite - be beaten to death. Non-jewish slaves had no such rights. They had families, yes - and the slaveholders got to own the kids, too!

“Slavery was sometimes there only option to pull themselves out of dept and once they payed of there debts they were free to go.”

Again, only the Jewish slaves had limited terms of slavery. Others were slaves for their lifetimes - and their childrens’ lifetimes, and so forth.

More details, with specific citations:

Answer #34

“Slavery was there way of life back then. It was there way of employment.”

No, they had money - or at least barter - as well.

So why is slavery wrong today, but okay then? If you lived in the middle east in biblical times, would you be comfortable with owning slaves? Would you be comfortable being a slave?

Answer #35

Your not reading me. Slavery had a whole different meaning then. They had families, they had rights, they had money…

Today slavery has a whole different meaning. Your striped from your families, you have no rights, and your lucky if you get your hands on any money. That’s what makes it wrong in this day in age.

You also have to keep in mind they had no welfare system back then. No government to pull them out of a problem. Slavery was sometimes there only option to pull themselves out of dept and once they payed of there debts they were free to go. Your trying to push your liberal beliefs on a Culture that didn’t have the means to have it any other way. Today we have the means. Thats why Slavery is wrong.

Answer #36

Slavery was there way of life back then. It was there way of employment. Thats what I ment by slaves back then are the equivalent to hired help today. They also had rights. Back then slavery was ok. but today “by what it has been made out to be, it’s wrong.

Answer #37

“you better think about what you are doing. I would repent my sin.”

Sure. Just answer the question. Slavery: Good or bad?

Answer #38

God is omnicent. he knows what is best for us and what not. putting the word of God in vein will put you in hell. you better think about what you are doing. I would repent my sin.

Answer #39

“No I don’t. I said you can apply the meaning into a sense of slaves back then are the equivalent to hired help today.”

I don’t see how owning other people and forcing them to work for you is at all equivalent to employment, no.

“That’s there Culture. Slave written in Hebrew has a slightly different meaning as we see the word today. And a punishment by a beating was there Culture.”

You’re avoiding the question. Is slavery absolutely morally wrong?

Answer #40

No I don’t. I said you can apply the meaning into a sense of slaves back then are the equivalent to hired help today.

That’s there Culture. “Slave” written in Hebrew has a slightly different meaning as we see the word today. And a punishment by a beating was there Culture. No different then a guy being tied up to a post and beat my bamboo sticks in another country today. You have to realize this is coming from a different Culture and time period when you read this.

And I don’t think a beating like that is wrong. Countries that do this have some of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Answer #41

“But at the time of which these laws were written this was a way of life and laws were needed to look upon as a standard just as laws are needed today.”

So I take it you retract your claim that “Slaves back then are the equivalent to hired help today”?

Do you believe slavery is absolutely morally wrong? If so, why would the Christian god permit slavery amongst his ‘chosen people’ at any time in history?

Answer #42

@matt18091: Did you miss the bible quotes on page 1?

Exodus 21:20-21 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.

Leviticus 25:44-46 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; […] And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever.

Now, I don’t know how you treat your ‘hired help’, but where I come from, you don’t get to capture them against their will, beat them severely (as long as you don’t kill them), and hand them down to your children as an inheritance.

Answer #43

Right here… Actually, the Bible says they WE meaning Christians are slaves to Christ. We where bought at a price.. So actually slaves refer to Christians

Wow… so you just… LIE to yourself… to make Christianity look better in your mind. How very selfish and pathetic…

Answer #44

Right here… Actually, the Bible says they WE meaning Christians are slaves to Christ. We where bought at a price.. So actually slaves refer to Christians

Oh, come on. Just look at the list of bible quotes Toadaly listed on page 1. None of those could possibly construed to have the meaning you’re trying to attribute.

The simple, ugly fact is that the bible promotes slavery. That’s fine if you think of it as a historical text, but has a few problems if you think it was authored by an omniscient, omnibenevolent deity.

Answer #45

lol you got a debate on your hands sir :)

You are taking one sentence from the Bible out of context…what you just wrote “christian slave trader” is actually only a metaphorical use of slavery imagery today

The New Testament takes the image of a slave and uses it to describe the calling and standing of believers and not the actual word “slave” as per say.….. It’s the same as saying slaves or servants belongs to their masters, we as believers belong to our God.

I know as a fact, as believers we exist to serve our Lord and one another, similar to your so called “slaves” who are employed to serve the needs and interests of others.

lol so yes, I’m definitely the “slave” here and my “slave” trader is my Lord :)

Answer #46

Slaves back then are the equivalent to hired help today.

Answer #47

No…what I’m saying is pretty simple: I live in a country where 85% of the populace is Christian…

…and most wouldn’t know that Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas or that Jesus condoned slavery…which also was the excuse for the modern institution of slavery in the United States as many Christians cited just that passage for “proof” that what they were doing was OK.

Now, if you take it metaphorically…then, people like me are going to heaven :) Even though I share none of your beliefs.

If, however, you’re a fundamentalist zealot who takes it literally…then, I’m going to burn in hell along with the majority of the Earth’s population. Which is fine by me.

I’m happy to encourage religious debate, and I find it fascinating…what I’m not happy about is the put upon attitude of the majority in a country where they (Christians) are the dominant political force.

Yes…if what I said was sensationalist…you’re correct. However, the bible doesn’t ever sale slave trading is illegal and Jesus is quoted as saying you should “stay with your master even if he beats you”…he wasn’t referring to people of faith, he was referring to actual slaves.

I have a hard time believing, given the history of the bible (not written till ~30+ years after his death etc) that all of it is perfectly literal, the many translations (Hebrew, Greek, Latin) kept the exact, contextual and colloquial meaning in place…I speak two languages & I know, even in two modern languages, you can’t keep the exact meaning intact…even in multiple parts of the world, English is a very different thing.

If it were Gods, or God…isn’t the important thing what you believe, not a book? Isn’t that what matters? However…that’s plain silly talk to most Christians, as the Gnostic belief system was one of the first “holy wars” the early Christian church embarked on, yes?

Answer #48

you are right about what you have said. Jesus didn’t say anything about slaves for 2 reasons: 1-he was interested in people’s life after death more than the life of people on earth, so he didn’t try to set rules to govern earth with them or to organize the materialistic issues. 2-he didn’t mean slaves literally he was generalizing. At work any type of work you are a slave to your manager (owner of the firm).Slaves don’t have to be african american or put a golden earring in their ear. When you become addicted to certain things like smoking or drugs you are a slave to these things as well because they are controlling you.

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