So undateable?

Is it possible for anyone ( in this case me) to be so undateable?? Cause this guy who like used to try and flirt with me a lot said he liked me but he thought I was a bit undateable. I am glad he was honest but I just dont get it. I always give my guys space and time with their mates and am not paranoid all the time. My friends all say he just wants to play hard to get and all that lot and a couple of my guy friends said they would definatley go out with me if we weren’t like sooo close. I mean I dont mind him saying this but I just cant get it out of my head.

Answer #1

UNDATEABLE??? The only way that you would be like that is if all you did was sleep with guys all the time…That would be the only reasonable excuse for him to say that…So, my own advice, I just see him as being a big flirt and only wanting a girl to “get a piece”. Maybe he is the one that is UNDATEABLE and he doesn’t really want to admit it. I think that he is scared of dating you because he is actually afraid of falling for ya and he isn’t wanting that..Cause if he was to date you then he would see that it was a good thing going for him and he would quit being like he is…

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