So, there's this boy..

and I like him. He always smiles at me and jokes around with me. We’ve been hanging out lately, in groups. He just seems really sweet and considerate. My stomach hurt last time he was over and he went and got me a benadryl and made sure I was okay. I’m not sure if he actually likes me back or if he’s just playing that game that guys play. This sounds really stupid but if you’re a guy or girl what would you do? How do I get him to like me or even find out if he does?

Any suggestions will be really helpful!

Answer #1

well flirt with him a little ask him what he likes in a girl and stuff and hopefully you guys spend some time together and get to know eachother and you can see if he likes you that way

Answer #2

Well, I’m sorry that you think that all guys play games, not all of them are, I know I don’t, at least I don’t try to.

But one thing you could try is, hang out with him with it just being the two of you, if you’re at his house, sit like on the same couch or whatever, ask him if he can get you a glass of water, if he does, when he comes back, say thank you and just give him a kiss and see how he responds. If he likes it and kisses you back and continues kissing you, then he either likes you or just wants to kiss you, but more likely, he likes you since he also got you a glass of water.

I know that I myself would never have the courage to try and pull something like that, but I would think that that’d be a good way of finding out, and plus, even if he doesn’t like you, you still got to kiss the person you like. Best of luck to you!

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