So confused right now

I haven’t spoken to my EX boyfriend in 4days. Do you think he will call? Do he even miss me? Do he still love me? Are we going to get back together? I’m so confused and I love him and right now I just don’t know what to do I need help

Answer #1

Thats why he is called an “ex”. He is NO longer your boyfriend. If he did miss you, and wanted to call you, or still liked you, he never would have ended the relationship!! You need to accept the fact he is not coming back, and move on.

Answer #2

This guy is your ex for a reason. You guys havent spoken in four days. Theres a small chance that he might call, but dont count on it. Chances are that he’s moved on. You should too. Go out with your friends and meet new guys. Just have fun and try not to think about him. Its going to be difficult at first, but eventually things will be easier and your feelings for him will slowly begin to fade. Remember you can love more than once.

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