so confused life suks

I want to go to college problem is im working and got too many family responsibilities in my job I was told to stick around and I might become manager im desperate 4 da money to support my family of bums I wouldnt mind if I stayed but I feel im too smart to b working in my crappy job im not sure if I qualify 4 financial aid or even how to start the college thing any advice?

Answer #1

Everyones right.Talk to a guidance counsellor and you might get some help.You could get help at home too through several other institutions.

Answer #2

If you receive a good education, your career prospects will shoot up. People who have a masters or even a bachelor degree earn a SIGNIFICANTLY bigger income compared to high school grads or drop outs. If you go to college, I guarantee you will be more successful (financially and personally) and you will have more resources to better support your family.

Make yourself a priority. Though you don’t have a legal obligation to your family, I know the moral obligation sometimes feels constricting. However, if you help yourself first, you will be able to help others much more easily.

Since money and time are both constraining issues for you, try taking classes either at an online college or create a personal class schedule at your local community college.

I wish you luck.

Answer #3

Yes, talk to a guidance counselor. They should help you find out how to apply for financial aid. I am sorry but your family should not be holding you back because they lack the own motovation. They need to allow you to follow your dreams and not be a burden to you. Please don’t think it is selfish to make something of yourself, I say aim for the stars, and don’t feel guilty about it.

Answer #4

I agree with harleyrider…talk to a counselor…they will be able to help more than you think

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