Sneaky Girlfriend?

So I went out with this chik almost a year ago, and when she was drunk she went off with this other dude and made out with him and shiz so yeah we ended up breaking up because of that, now a year on where goign out again (what was I thinking…) and shes going to her ex’s every weekend, last weekend from 12-7am(note that two weeks ago she hated his guts), and cheking with me to make sure its alrite she goes again this weekend…when hes around she ignores me a fair heap as well…but wenever I try to talk to her about it she turns it back to me saying that im stopping her from seeing her friends… what do I do =|

Answer #1

Friends do not need to be alone overnight at someones house. They can meet in the middle of the day with other people around. Friends do not ignore their boyfriends/girlfriends while they have their other friends around. You need to decide if you want this “relationship” to continue. But, it sounds like she’s using you.

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