Smelly discharage

I have a milky vaginal discharage. it smells moldy and sour.I am in a stable relationship for over the last year, so it is not like I have been sleeping around. please help this is becoming an embarresing situation.

Answer #1

All women have some vaginal discharge. Normal discharge may appear clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish when dry on clothing. It may also contain white flecks and at times may be thin and stringy. Changes in normal discharge can occur for many reasons, including menstrual cycle, emotional stressors, nutritional status, pregnancy, usage of medications - including birth control pills, and sexual arousal.

Any changes in color or amount of discharge may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Vaginal infections are very common; most women will experience some form of a vaginal infection in their lifetime. If you experience any of the symptoms below, this may be a sign of vaginal infection:

* Discharge accompanied by itching, rash or soreness
* Persistent, increased discharge
* Burning on skin during urination
* White, clumpy discharge (somewhat like cottage cheese)
* Grey/white or yellow/green discharge with a foul odor 

Treatment: There is no over-the-counter treatment available. There are two treatment options with metronidazole (Flagyl) - an oral antibiotic or a topical antibiotic cream. Metronidazole can cause nausea and darkening of urine. Alcohol consumption should be avoided while on this medication, and for 48 hours after treatment, due to possible alcohol intolerance, which can result in nausea and vomiting. If you are using the vaginal antibiotic cream, it must be used daily for five days.

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