Small friendly dogs

What are different kinds of cute small dogs that are friendly?

Answer #1


Answer #2

There’s hundreds of them…all listed here with the good and bad about each breed.

Answer #3

pUGS ARE FRIENDLY AND THEY are SMALL. Femails hit 12-17 and males hit 15-20. Theyre extremely cute with their smashed in faces. They are one of the only toy breeds recomended to familys with small children because they are patient and ARENT GENEROULLY KNOW TO BE BITERS

Answer #4

I have a minature pincher. it is cute and most of the time friendly. I love her! I think you would like one too!

Answer #5

Yes the little Min-pins (user above mentioned) are soo cute and usually pretty sweet. I love Dachsunds,,we have 2 and they are sweethearts. They are very loyal dogs, and just little lovers!

Most dogs will be sweet and nice from the beginning, dogs usually have to be trained to be vicious. There are exceptions—if the parents were vicious dogs, you may have some problems to work through with their puppies.

Answer #6

yorkie, maltese, minature pinscher, poodles.. oh and shnauzers..

Answer #7

A Yorkie Or A Dashound.. So Sweet Or A PeekApoo Chihuahua

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