small and ugly

My poor little sis I hope you can help me she wants me to post this: Every morning she wakes up her face is weird, her eyebrows look bigger than the night before her spit (as she says) is thick like corn syrup and she has bags even if she gets 12 hrs of sleep! She also says her eyes nose mouth and eyebrows look all clunked together in the middle of her face… help her!

Answer #1

We all look ugly when we wake up! I mean I am the hottest guy in here but I swear I look like sh!t when I wake up! lolzz

Calm her down, and tell her it’s not a problem at all. What do we wash our faces for anyway?

Answer #2

The way she sees herself could be Body Dysmorphic Disorder, which causes you to see an altered version of yourself.

As for her spit, sounds like she’s really dehydrated. Have her drink 20 ounces of water in the first hour she wakes up, a lot throughout the day, and 8oz before she goes to sleep. Not if she wets the bed though. Seriously.

Answer #3

oh she pees before she goes to bed :D

Answer #4

Tell her how to stop it from happening

Answer #5

help her how?

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