Sleep over :S

Me and my girl friend have been going out for about 2 months and we want a sleep over… I am 15 and she is 14 and we rnt going 2 have sex but her mum and dad and my mum and dad think we will. We probably will make out but we wont have sex! So I decided to c whu think about how we should ask our parents about having 1!

Answer #1

if you guys slept in the living room floor which either your dad or her dad would be sleeping on the couch on then yeah maybe thats possible but otherwise highly unlikely. you have no idea how strong the urge to have sex could be.

Answer #2

uhmm nooo parents are gonna wanna let you do thaat unless they’re on druggs ! lmao. jk.. but yeaa I highlyy doubt that they’d let youu. I’ve been trying thaat since 7th grade and ima junioor in high school noow ! until your like 17 or 18 its gonna be hard :/ unless you liee to them and go somewhere else to be with her all nighht like I doo(: goood lucck !

Answer #3

we dont mind being supervised nothings going to happen

Answer #4

well ask them if yall can sleep in seperate rooms then maybe they might let yall have one

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