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bacon if your a experienced skateboarder they are very hard to brake I had one that not even a really good skater could brake but get a almost or baker
I ride blind if your just starting out sometimes its better to get a cheaper board first because the good ones cost around $100-$300 for a complete setup so if you dont want to get a great one get a $50 from from kmart or wallmart but if youve got money to spend get a better one stand on a few because they come in difference widths so see what one feels comfortable for you to ride
I have an element. my friend has a Zero and a Flip and theyre nice too
skatebored... - 6 Answers
whats a really good skatebored ? like for me im a girl... and I know I love skateboreding and im getting were I can start to...
skateboreding - 11 Answers
Hey , I really need some help does anyone out there think its wrong for a girl to skatebored im just wondering because lots...