Is it a sin to talk about sex?

And do you sin if you speak to someone and they use explicit words?

Answer #1

Sin in terms of what? If it’s a sin to talk about sex, then surely it’s a sin to talk about mu.rder in general? I mean I don’t see how talking could be a sin, unless you are intentionally hurting someone?

Answer #2

how can it be a sin???? haha. how do you think we came to be?

Answer #3

Thinking about it is as bad as actually doing it. i think its in the bible. i cant remember what verse tho.

Answer #4

Sin is largely a Christian concept, so I will assume you are Christian. Consider that the Bible, in the book “Song of Songs”, goes into graphic poetic detail about sex, even making reference to male and female g*nitalia. So even by Judeo-Christian religious standards, talking openly about sex cannot possibly be considered sinful.

Answer #5

No, it is not a sin. Nor will it ever be. Having sex is not a sin either. It’s survival for the population, and if that’s a sin….That’s a real problem.

Answer #6

No. People talk about it all the time, in school to teach kids, police people do as well. Like the first answer said, we would not he able to talk about or mur.der and things like that. Sex is a natural part of life, so no it is not a sin, and I hope it never is one, its just a talk about sex your not having it.

Answer #7

No, its not a sin! The Bible has a ton to say about sex, God talks about it all the time. Talking about it is really a good thing to do. There are tons of good studies out there that talk about sex, dating, abstinance, all this stuff. Song of Songs (Song of Solomon, whatever lol) talks a lot about love, sex, stuff like that. There is much guidance in the Bible about staying pure, and to talk about staying pure, you have to talk about sex, if you know what i mean haha. And no, its not a sin for you if someone else cusses while youre talking to them. Its a sin if you think the words yourself, but not if they say it. If theyre not Christians, they cant be held to your standards and they dont consider it to be “bad.”

Answer #8

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Run away from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.Or don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

Answer #9

It’s nothing wrong with informing someone about sex …God create Sex for Marrie people…

Answer #10

its natural to think and wonder and talk about sex… only a tight ass would say its a sin.

Answer #11

that sounds like some seriously outragious B.S… im sorry but obviously people have changed the bible to make others think its wrong.

Answer #12

No not at all! In the bible it only states that “Causing adultry” (having sex) is a sin. Talking about it however, is not.

Answer #13

It’s not a sin to talk about sin ….I agree but to have sex with another person that not your wife or husband is a Sin

Answer #14

no, its not.

Answer #15

Do any of you eat shellfish? Guess what, that’s a sin too.

Answer #16

that would mean sex edu would be a sin lol

Answer #17

Why would it be a sin to talk about sex. The more one is open about it the less inhibited and relaxed one is. The primitive peoples of this planet have nothing on it, so why should modern man have a hold back on it.
It all comes from the early Christians not liking what the Romans did, thought sex was bad and other things. It had it’s height in the 19th century, and now society is getting back to normal. All man has to do is put in responsibly into his actions.

Answer #18

Not at all sex is as natural as life its self. You should be able to ask and talk about sex with your parents openly. We may not want to really hear it but its better to ask then just to do it and deal with things that could have been provented and effects that can last a life time and possibly kill you. there is nothing wrong with sex or talking about it and nothing wrong with you.

Answer #19

Talking about sex is not a sin.

If anything, using explicit words could be a sin.

Answer #20

no, im a Christian and i often talk openly about sex and some of my friends who are also Christians say some words that i dont like to use because they are just too explicit for me to say

Answer #21

um actually not according to the new testament

Answer #22

e.g.: Romans 14:20– Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.

Answer #23

Matthew 5:28– “But i tell you that any one who looks at a woman lustfully has already commited adultury with her in his heart.”

Answer #24

hey Drew if you’re not married its called fornication witch is the same as adultury except that you have not been married yet but in the long run its adultury

Answer #25

that applies wether either of you is married or not

Answer #26

NOOOO…why would it be a sin? God is the creator of sex! He was also the one to make it so pleasurable, but he intended it to be between a man and woman in marriage as the husband and wife’s way to find pleasure with one another and keep them close, not solely for procreation. Read the book of solomon in the bible, it has alot of it!

Answer #27

Christains do not think sex is bad…God created Sex, and he created it to be pleasurable..soooo, if your not one of us, how do you know what we think about Sex? God finds pure beauty in sex between a man and his wife!

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