Answer #1

A silhouette is the outline/shape of something. If you have a picture of an object and paint it completely black and the background completely white, then that is considered a silhouette picture.

The word is sometimes also used when talking about the shape and weight of a person. Like if you buy underwear, it might say that that will “improve your silhouette”. This means that it’s fabricated like a corsage or a surgical stocking and “move” your soft parts to the right places.

Answer #2

A silhouette is an outline of something and it looks kind of shadowy. My profile picture is a silhouette )and that actually is me!) :-)

Answer #3

thats super cool!!!!=D but im actually asking about the clothing/fashion.

Answer #4

Silhouettes are the outline shape, of a body in fashion design. When you draw the silhouette of a body, you draw the whole body, but you dont get into too much detail. When you finish the silhouette you draw the clothes on it, and then you detail the body.

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