Is it a bad sign when your boyfriend constantly chooses to stay home and play video games instead of hanging out with you?

Answer #1

I think it cud become a prob is it continues for some time

Answer #2

Maybe you’re only noticing the times he decides he wants his alone time and decides to stay in? He doesn’t have to hang out with you every time he’s free, that’s not healthy, he needs his space.

Answer #3

Yeah I would say it is. Come on but any boy that chooses a girl over C.O.D (Call of Duty) obviously really likes her lol and I’m not the first to say that haha. Also, if he does keep doing this then I would personally give him a choice - either to start treating me like his actual girl or just sit on his fat @rse all day and play stupid games. :)

Answer #4

If thisis a constant thinb and persists it sounds like it definitely could be a problem. Many relationships have failed due to oneof the partners spending all their time on video games. It’s not a healthy relationship whereone is always gone away in a virtual world, he should make time to be with you as well, there needs to be a balance. You’re bound to beunhappy in that relationship and it’s bound to end. You need to talk to your partner about this

Answer #5

infact ill bang this under cassies answer:…

no it isnt.

playing games isnt the problem its the demanding time the girl wants to spend with her partner thats the exhausting problem.

ive lost loads of girlfriends in teh past because of me playing games and many many years ago i just said to myself, p!ss off cus you know im a gamer and if you dont like it leave.

ill say the same thing to you in not a rude way. if he likes playing games but you dont like how long he plays them for then just leave the relationship because its not going to work.

Answer #6

That’s pretty much how I see it. I’ve seen too many of my friends get stuck in relationships with that. Of course, I tend to side with your boyfriend in this kind of situation, because I’ve had my boyfriend get mad at me for ditching him for video games. Now he understands that I like my space, and I’ve learned not to ignore him for a week. Happy medium.

Answer #7

It’s something he likes to do, my partner plays games a lot also so instead of thinking of it as a bad thing, I started playing games with him and turned out I loved it. It isn’t a bad thing but it is something he likes to do, if you think he does it to often, then talk to him about it and tell him you want him to spend more time with you.

Answer #8

Yeah it could be, I would suggest, Why not play video games with him? My one boyfriend use to play all the time cause it was new for him, but he let me play with him. So I compromised and would play with him.

Answer #9

yea for sure if you can;t beat em join em’ haha i learned how to play tons of games i learned to love too from my boyfriend =)

Answer #10

Me to!!! I actually started to have a lot of fun, and he would bring some other guys over to play I was better then some guys!! lol it was funny to put it in their face!!

Answer #11

i know right hahah it can be alot of fun. my all time favorite games are on the old systems or i like those zombie shooting games lol

Answer #12

Yes they are fun!!

Answer #13

It depends on how your guy is. If he is one who never really wants to play a video game then it probably is. But if he loves them he probably just really wants to play. Why don’t you play video games with him and if ur not into video games why don’t u go over and watch then at least you get to see him and he gets the best of both worlds. I mean its like most girls and shopping lots of girls love shopping right and would love to go shopping if they got a chance even if it meant not hanging with there bf. Boys love video games so I wouldn’t worry to much. Guys need times to be guys and girls need time to be girls just the way it is.

Answer #14

My boyfriend is also a gamer. So I know where you’re coming from. What I do is say, what you doing this weekend? if he goes, nm just playing on this game I’ll say ‘ok, do you mind if i come and beat your a$$ at it then ;)’ thats how i get us to spend time together but he must want to spend his time with you sometimes too.

Answer #15

No it’s not, you should try to talk to him or go to his house and chil with him , everyone neds their space.

Answer #16


Answer #17

No, maybe he isn’t getting enough time on his own. If he is introverted, then he’ll need more alone time, and if he isn’t getting it he might be trying more and more just to space out by playing games instead of hanging out with you. Don’t nag him about it as he might get offensive, get your own hobby to do as well or play games with him for a change.

Answer #18

thank you all so much! i talked to my boyfriend about it as most of u suggested, and i dont like all his shooting games so we’re seeing eachothers tomarrow and we r going shopping to see if we can find something that we can play together, =) and yeah, he just wanted his personaltime too sometimes. so i might start hangingout w/ friends more cuz thats healthy. anyeays, he even admited to being selfish lately and being rude! :o i know big shock right. guys dont really admit this often. thanks again u guys r all great! =)

Answer #19

thank you all so much! i talked to my boyfriend about it as most of u suggested, and i dont like all his shooting games so we’re seeing eachothers tomarrow and we r going shopping to see if we can find something that we can play together, =) and yeah, he just wanted his personaltime too sometimes. so i might start hangingout w/ friends more cuz thats healthy. anyeays, he even admited to being selfish lately and being rude! :o i know big shock right. guys dont really admit this often. thanks again u guys r all great! =)

Answer #20

Good to hear.

Answer #21

=) i know thanks to u guys and a supportive/understanding bf i think it will all be good

Answer #22

im glad things worked out for you. :)

Answer #23

Yes, In my opinion it is because you used the word ‘constantly’…if he is constantly doing this then it sounds like he’s getting bored of hanging out with you or somethings wrong and he’s avoiding the situation by keeping his distance. It definitly means something. Try talking to him about it…

Answer #24

Dump him. If he doesnt have time for you, theres someome else who will.

Answer #25

Im a guy and my gf bugs me about video games alot. But he should still prefer to spend time with you then playing them… Try joking around by saying he’s a addicted but with out pissing him off. He might stop to proove he isn’t. Unless he admits to it

Answer #26

no not at all it isn’t a bad sign… it may be cos that he foung a new game and that he is very much interested in it so…. just give him time to complete all the levels than he will turn back on you…

Answer #27

ive done this, he didnt really get mad… he just said its away for him to excape the real world(problems), and he does it to relax…. its a hobby he says… and he wishes i had a hobby like that to so i wouldnt bug him so much about his…

Answer #28

Yeah he defenetely needs his space. I think I’ve worn my boyfriend out becuase we have been hanging out basically continuously for two weeks to paint my room. So now im just going to give him his space. If you feel abandoned or neglected than I would tell him about it. Have you tried hanging out with him doing something he would like? Try playing video games together

Answer #29

well it depends if he is always canceling plans with you or sometimes and if its a big problem just tell him or break up with him.

Answer #30

I know it sounds like you already solved it but I’ll put my two cents in for any other girls having this problem. He may be trying to separate him self from you. Like if he NEVER hangs out with you or returns your calls (as long as your not like a phyco that calls his 50 times a day)

Answer #31

If he does it over and over and over and over and over and you like only hang out like 2 a month then it’s a horrible sign. If he does it like every now and then. Then thats normal. Me and my girlfriend hang out but sometimes I say I’m busy cuz I want some alone time but most of the time we hang out.

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