Sidekick lx not healthy?

Well I have a sidekick lx and my teacher told me several times that there not healthy does anyone know why there not?

Answer #1

Your first most obvious place for an answer to your question is your teacher who said that to begin with.

Aside from that, over the years when large manufacturing companies are making lots of money from something that they have sold to the public as a definite “need”, “must have”, or you are simply not with the “in crowd” if “you” don’t have something… well, if there are risks to your health in using the product, these companies try to cover up, or hide the facts of those risks, so they don’t loose money and sales of their products. This phenomonon has been going on for years.

In short, here is allegedy what the health departments basically say about cell phones and items such as the sidekick lx…

You’ve got something in your hand that sends out radio signals powerful enough to reach satallites that are miles out in space. These radio frequencies are strong enough to penetrate the bone of your skull. There seems to be evidence that prolonged use of these items can actually cause some physical damage to your brain.

How long do you want to hold one up to “your” head?

To substantiate what I am saying, here is a web site from Canada that pretty much says what I am saying here.

… there are many more similar sites that show the same information.

Is your teacher correct?
From what I understand, yes. What do “you” think?


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