What side are you on - Apple or Andriod?

Answer #1

Apple :D All the way :D

Answer #2

Both have their good and bad points, apple are control freaks, like you buy their stuff, but never feel like you actually own them, like you only borrow from iTunes for example.

Answer #3

Apple. Currently on funadvice via my iPhone ;)

Answer #4

I’m an android, but i wish i was an apple;p

Answer #5


Answer #6

I’m on my Windows Phone. :\

I had an Android phone (Xperia X10 w/ 2.3 Gingerbread) and I liked it a lot. Compared to my new Windows Phone, it had way more apps and the UI was, in my opinion, easier to use. I went the Microsoft route because I wanted something different and even though there aren’t nearly as many apps, the OS itself is much faster and I feel it’s easier to tweak without having to download special apps to do so.

Answer #7

none , I am still using my E72 nokia =D

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