Shutting bus doors

Who shuts the door when the bus driver gets off?

Answer #1

Well I AM sorry if I offended you!

Answer #2

I think they live in there. Notice they always smell? They get a new home every five years or so.

Answer #3

“For ichibanarky…it would be pulled not pushed closed.”

Are you serious? Calling out a technicality? How mature.

Yes, they would be “pulled” - please forgive me, although, when I see it being done, the driver PUSHES on the edge of the door to move it.

The matter still stands that the door can be closed from outside the bus.

Answer #4

I dont know if the buses in America are the same as the ones in britain but they have one door for the passangers and one for the driver on his/her side.

For ichibanarky…it would be pulled not pushed closed.


Answer #5

hahhaa, thats an amazing question!!! XD I LOVE it lol, maybe ill ask my busdriver tomorrow XD

Answer #6

The door can be pushed closed from the outside

Answer #7

O.o Mighty fine question. Maybe they climb out thru the window =]]

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