show choir

what are some hints for our show choir group? it’s boys & girls. what do judges look for & what do they like the most? any helpful ideas will be appreciated!!

thanks! maddie

Answer #1

ha, yeah..we special ordered our dresses & tuxes & then had a choreographer come in to teach us our dance moves.

Answer #2

smile,do not touch urself,be smooth,have fun,dont look down

Answer #3

ok well I don’t know much bout chorus or wutever but I would think that matching suits or attleast he samew color clothes wold be good and have the kids stand in a neat line or circle or sumn wile singing =) move around or sumn =) lol when I was in school they always sang like happy songs and all and they blew whitles and stuff =) allwayzzz.. maymay

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