Should we be friends again?

ok so she’s been my bestfriend since 6th grade. we had great times together but we had a huge fight when school started. we;ve said horrible things about each other and we like let rumors break our friendship! but I really miss being friends with her and I want to like apologize and start over SO DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO IT?

Answer #1

Well, someone has to break the ice, it might as well be you! If you wait too long, you will eventually grow apart and may never be best friends again! If thinking about that makes you sad or upset, you definately need to give your friendship another shot and I’m sure she is feeling the same way that you do! Do something for her that you know she would love, like a mixed cd of her favorite songs, or ask her to go see a cool movie with you (and you would pay of course!). Just make some kind of peace offering and take that first step! I hope everything goes well!

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