Should I Wait For Him?

my ex boyfreind split up with me because he doesnt love me any more but yet he still cryed when I told him I had kissed 2 other guys since we have been split up and he has got a girlfriend.. what should I do ?? just move on or try again.. he said he got only got with this girl to make me jelous and spite me but he has been with her a few weeks now an doesnt talk 2 me any more .. I still love him so much an I’ve tried to move on I’ve had othere boyfriends and they didnt feel right so it ended :(

Answer #1

no he’s just saying that to keep you stuck on him if he’s not stuck on you then whats the point

Answer #2

maybe ask him out for a date. try him again. just see what happens.

Answer #3

I think you should move on. If he was using the girl to make you ‘jealous’ then he would of already broken up with the girl and came running back to you. It sounds like he is just trying to mess with your head and you shouldn’t take that. You may have to experiment with boyfriends for awhile until you find another guy that is right for you.

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