Should I wait 4 him?

Ok, so about two weeks ago, I FINALLY had the balls cough guts to ask MIke out.(it was at a Haunted house we were working at…so romantic I know lol) Anywho, when I asked him he said “yeah sure I guess” I only told 2 friends and one of them was gonna tease him and stuff. When she said that, he said that he said maybe. And also. one of her friends was there and decided to tell a million people.When I heard that, I felt humiliated and really bad. He isn’t on my team 4 school and is on the other side of the hall so I really coulsn’t talk 2 him and explain. I saw him a few times and he would say hi to me. I thought that that was a good sign. And on Friday, this girl aimed me on a social site and asked me if I asked Mike (his name) out. I asked her who told her, and she said that he did. I was totally shocked. She wanted to know what he said and I told her. I asked her if she was gonna ask him out and she said she might. So last night, I asked her if she asked him, and she said that she did but he said no. I was pretty happy lol. And then, I asked the other girl Mike told and I asked her what he said. She said, “he said that you both had a lot in common, but you never see each other so he said maybe.” I was still really happy, but confused. I just want to know what you think. Does he like me? Should I wait 4 him to make the first move? I’m just totally confused by the whole thing. Sry it’s long… Thanks! :)

More info- In 6th grade I totally impressed him wit my WWII knowledge! L8er in the year I took my glasses off 4 a sec and he said I looked good w/o them. A few months ago, I got contacts. I have seen him looking @ me a few times during class and this year I was walking down the hall and I passed him and he held out his hand 4 me to high-five it! Of course I did. He has said hi to me in the hall a lot and stuff like that. In 7th grade though, I would see him looking at me and as soon as I would look at him, he would look away really quickly. HMMM lol.

Thanks! :)

Answer #1

I definetely think he likes you.

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