Should I text my youth pastor at 14?

My mom just died back in april my youth pastor told me I could text or call him whenever he cares and all of that. But me being a 14 year old girl should I be texting a 23 year old guy? Even if I have biblical questions or just need extra prayer? What if I need to talk is it wrong to go to him? Please help :) funmail me if you need more deatails or whatever

Answer #1

there is nothing wrong with you texting him for help if it will help you deal with it. id say it was a good idea actually. the only way people would be worried is if this went beyond friendship :)

Answer #2

id be cautious. im skeptical enough about religious leader type people, AND hes only 23. I wouldnt hang around him alone if thats what your asking.

Answer #3

yeah sure! if you are sad and feel you need help to deal with it!

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