Should I tell my mum I'm having sex?

I am seventeen years old and my wonderful boyfriend of several months is nineteen. He was my second, and I was his first. The thing is, I am really serious about this guy. I’ve been a bit of a serial dater, after a month or so I flip out and break up with the guy, but Matt is different. I love him. Since I am getting very serious about this guy, I feel like I should tell my mum we’re having sex. My mum is a very conservative Christian woman, and she thinks I’m perfect. Everyone does but my best friend and Matt (obviously). We’re being safe and such, but I feel guilty about not telling her. Should I tell her, and if so how?

Note: My mum hasn’t always been such a “good person” and she always defends it by saying she wasn’t a Christian back then. I don’t know what to do. The guilt is eating at me.

Answer #1

Your sex life is a personal thing between you and your partner. Why do you feel the need to share it ? As long as you are responsible and take precautions against pregnancy and STD’s there is no reason to ever involve anyone else. If you are feeling guilty perhaps you should speak to your pastor.

Answer #2

wait till your 18 cause if she flips out she can press charges for statitory rape on him since he is 19 and technically your still a minor and if you wait till your 18 you can use to point that your an adult and can do whatever lol

Answer #3

honestly if you and you mom are close I would tell her about it or maybe like work up to it by like giving clues but ot be straight forward ya know I kinda went thru the same thing except for I gto preg and I had to tell my mom. I kinda just depends how close you both are to each other.

Answer #4

I personally dont think that you should.. your 17? thats practially almost an adult.. but if you really feel guilty about it. then I would tell her.

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