Should I tell my mom?

My mom was very clear that she did NOT want me kissing my boyfriend (ex, now) at school. The only thing is, my ex shoved me into a wall and kissed me, then ran away. I’ve kept this secret from my mom for about a month. Now that its been that long, I’m afraid to tell her, I don’t want her to get reallly mad. So should I tell her, or wait until she actually does let me kiss guys, so then I could tell her and it wouldn’t be a big deal as much anymore??? if I should tell her, how can I??? My friend knows and she says since he kissed me I’m no longer a virgin…am I still a virgin??? help!!!

Answer #1

No way!If you want to find a new boyfriend and kiss him,I wouldn’t tell her.I never tell my mom because I think it would just suck the fun out of the kiss,knowing somebody knows your secret.

Answer #2

I didn’t want him to kiss me, I told him I wasn’t ready for it yet, but the truth was I didn’t really like him, that’s why I didn’t want him to.

Answer #3

your friend told you that you aren’t a virgin because you kissed a guy. Maybe your not a virgin to kissing but you aren’t literally NOT a virgin. Tell your mom, if you explain it to her, she might understand. But another thing, did you tell him not to kiss you, or did you want him to kiss you? You really didn’t do anything wrong.

Answer #4

My friends are stupid…lol but I don’t think my mom is THAT controlling. I think she already knows because I was blogging about it. but thanks :)

Answer #5

I don’t go tell my mom when I kiss my boyfriend. She never said that I was allowed too. No mom will really come out with it and give you permission to kiss a guy. If he pushed you up against a wall and kissed you it’s not your fault.

Answer #6

Lol yes, ou are still a virgin

Just tell your mom that HE pushed you and kissed you If you did not want this and you feel violated then this was a sexual assault

Answer #7

um, I guess. I don’t see why you should, since it’s none of her business and she’s basically one of those controlling, trying-to-run-your-life kind of mothers. plus it’s not really a big deal, it’s not like big news that you should share. kissing is kissing, so what. but I suppose since your mom told you not to, it kind of makes it significant.

sure. tell your mom that he kissed you. but if she freaks, make it clear that he kissed you, not the other way around.

and you can only lose your virginity by having sex.

Answer #8

ok calm down… first of all it wasnt your fault your ex boyfriend kissed you, now honestly I dont see why it should matter if your mother knows or not, but go ahead and tell her if it’s bothering you. She wont be mad if it’s not your fault (and generally when mother’s say they dont want you “kissing boys” they mean they dont want you getting physical, I doubt she’d do anything over a peck on the lips)

virginity has to do with sexual activity, everyone disagrees on what constitutes losing it, but I will tell you this much, a kiss doesnt mean you lost your virginity.

Answer #9

u should just tell your mom it wasnt your fault & he shoved you against the wall and you didnt c it comin…& haha do you not no what a virgin is its when you havent had sex yet so ya your STILL a virgin

Answer #10

thanks :) lol I didnt think that virgin thing was true..

Answer #11

By the way xxlifeistooshortxx -

The only way your virginity can be taken is if you have sex, not by kissing.


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