Should I still do it??

Okay get this me and my boyfriend just now got everythang worked out between us but now were supposed to hang out tomorrow and he said that since we made up and everythang we need to really make up as in have sex but im a virgin and he isnt should I still do it with him???

Answer #1

dont do anything you dont want. kinda seems like he was thinking of an excuse to have sex. since you made up? when my boyfriend and I fight- we deff dont MAKE UP like that. how long have you been dating. why should you have sex now? it’s all up to you. and what you feel comfortable with. but if it was me,I wouldnt.

Answer #2

I would suggest you dont because it looks like he is using you. if you are asking us then it seems as though you are questioning it which therefore means you are not ready. dont let him pressure you into doing anything you dont want to do. it is your body you do what you want with it. wait until you are truly ready and love that person very much. if you decide to bypass everything we say and do it anyway please use protection. I would suggest a female condom and plenty of spermicide and lubrication and dont use two condoms at once itll break easier… hope I helped and need further advice fun mail me ~kaitlyn~

Answer #3

dude are you serious? he sounds like a pig. just because you made-up doesn’t mean you have to put out. tell him to keep it in his pants. if he had any respect for you he wouldn’t pressure you, so don’t let him. show him that you’re not another one of those easy girls. just like the person above me said, the first time should be special.. don’t do it because you think you “owe it to him” because you don’t.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice