Should I stay or should I go?

there is this guy I like and he is also my best friend. he is in another state around 16 hours away for another month or so. I am 16. I have a car. he wants me to just make up something so I can come up there and see him. this would risk getting in a lot of trouble but also it is something that I really want to do. I kind of already said I would go and if I don’t then it would dissapoint him but I think he would get over it. he is really a great guy and he has done some pretty risky things to come see me. what should I do?

Answer #1

hey saveferris..

firstly u gotta forgive brent, he’s a little off the top, he has this wacky sense of humour which i appreciate its not what u want.. but please bear with him x

Whenever my girl does something risky for me and she have this doubt that something might go wrong.. or somit.. then i tell her how sure she is.. when she says 99%.. but 1% she feels somit gonna happen, i tell her that, that one percent is enough for u not to do it.. u gotta be proper sure about it… i mean its really up to u, however i do think after readin ur question, theres sooooo much doubt on this road trip..

Oh and dont do somit for him cos he did it for u referenceing the risky thing he did for u … I mean the consequence for women is alot more then it is for men x

IMiz x

Answer #2

16 hrs away? Thats just not a just a hop, skip, and a jump ya know! You’d have to make up something pretty convincing to be gone the whole weekend. What happens if you got in an accident? You havent had your license all that long! And stuff happens! Thats going way over the extent of being risky! Its being distrustful to your parents, not to mention stupid!! Tell HIM to come and visit YOU! Its only a couple months, why not just wait until he comes back! Its not like your dating or married!!

Answer #3

you shouldn’t do it if you have second douts about it

Answer #4

you are seriously not helping

Answer #5

dont go

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