Well, for the past three weeks I have been with a guy that is 4 years younger then me. I am 19 and he is 16, I love him very much and he loves me as well. We are great together! the only thing is that his mother hates me, so I never get to see him unless he lies and misses school and stuff. I have not seen him or spoken to him in about a lil over a week. the only way we talk is though IM and Email. I don't know anymore if what I am doing with him is right. I miss him so much and it kills me not 2 see him! He says he misses me to. His Ma wants to talk 2 me, but I am afraid to, cause I don't know what to say to her. We have a lot of drama with his Mom. It hurts to be with him, cause it stresses me that I don't see him and all the drama with his ma. But it would also kill me 2 be without him, but I don't know if I can take it anymore! Should I stay with him and try and work though it, or should I break up with him and move on and save myself the stress? Please someone out there help me and tell what 2 do! I need all the help I can get!

Answer #1

love comes in all shapes and sizes you know, including age differences. but you HAVE to look at the aspect that hes a minor and youre over 18. if his mom despises you that much, or you do something she doesnt like she can report youre guys' relationship and you could get arrested, and its not only the mother that can do that. if youre meant to be with someone itll be, if not it wont. so maybe you guys could keep intouch for awhile and you could date other 19 year old guys and see if that maybe youd even like them better. and if its truely meant to be with this guy, he'll still be there for you when he turns 18. and once two people are both legal a 3 year age difference isnt such a big deal. so my advice would be maintain a friendship for awhile, and try dating other people. hope this helped

Answer #2

well you are going trow a rough time now but if this makes you fell any betre age does not matter when your in love . it takes hard work to mantein a relation ship over a million people got throw it each and every day i know that you just want to feel his protection over you and kiss and be in peace but that will come sooner than you think . go talk to his mother try to make her under stand dont back talk her mothers hate that just chill and just say yes ma'm to everything she says and to to her as if you were talking to your mother talk whith respect and pick your words wisely make her under stand don't give up . if you need more help write to me to good luck.

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