should I stay..?

I’ve been dating this girl for almost 11 months now! I love her to death but I don’t know about us anymore. lately I’ve just found myself looking at other girls, not to mention we fight all the time, and it seems she always gets mad and just makes it awkward around my rents when she is, or makes me feel like crap. but we do have our good times, we can spend a whole day together and itll seem like an hour. but I just really dont know.

im afraid if I leave her that she might hurt herself, and I dont even want her to be upset, im going to feel like such crap… just, were in so deep, I love her I just have no idea what to think atm.

any advice…thanks.

Answer #1

well just that you guys both get jealous is physically showing your distrust for eachother… establish that you do love her and you have a lot of fun with her… explain that you will still be there for her…

Answer #2

everyone fights. its human nature. its just your differences thats all. and your looking at other girls? its okay if you think other girls are good looking, im pretty sure she probably looks at guys and thinks they are good looking. But the point is you love her. you have to learn to get through the hard times becuase in the end shes the last thing on your mind before you go to sleep at night. just remember theres a reason your with her and a reason you love her. so put your tongue back in your mouth and quit checking out girls. talk to her when you feel an argum,ent coming on. if she gets mad then find out why. yelling at eachother and ignoring eachother isnt going to help. Communication. trust me sweetheart it will get you so far in life =) hope I was helpful. dont hesitate to ask if ou need any more advice.

Answer #3

lol ya so noone should commetn on this anymore because she left me a month ago…so ya…

Answer #4

oh ya because telling her im looking at other girls will totally help… lol

hmm…I guess we can talk. I just donno, I get super jelouse sometimes and she does a lot as well..I don’t know… if we talked I really donno what to say..

Answer #5

TeII her that… stay with her if you x3 her so much,. thingsII sometimes get confusing or rough,. but if you rIIy cant take it, break up with her:< :< :< GoodLuck!!! xxx

Answer #6

talk to her. I think its time to have a serious discussion with her. find out how she feels about the relationship.

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