Should I or not help!!!

I’ve been dating this guy for 10 months already and like I’ve hurt him sooo many times I always find a way to annoy Him and I get mad for every little thing and sometimes I Take it out on him and I really dontl ike hurting him and today I was with my ex-boyfriend but hes just a friend now and we Were hugging but joking around but I know my boyfriend will Get all sad and im thinking if I should break up with him or not What should I do pllleeaseee help me!!! =[

Answer #1

its sounds like your boyfriends really into you, so its easy to take advantage of that, if your having second thoughts, maby you should… you dont know what you have till you lost it, and maby the reality check that hes not yours anymore will help you respect him more…

Answer #2

Ik how you feel. Don’t dump the poor guy just THINK about what you are doing to him if you are aware that you are hurting him then done or try not to. If you are mad bout something don’t take it out on him punch a wall or something take a breather he dosent need you to get mad at him bc its not his fault. So right before you say something to him think it through and as far as the ex… if you wldont care if he is with his ex and hugs her and jokes and stuff then keep doing it but exes are the past… Youre with him now if you and your ex broke up there should have been a reason hope this helped!!!

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