Should I or no?

Okay, My best friend shawn is supposed to come and get me, I’m almost 14. and hes 19. we’re not going to do anything we shouldn’t just chill. but the problem is. I dont even know this person in real life. but I have been talking to him on the computer for a lil while. I saw pictures and I have seen him on cam. so I know who it is. and he isn’t lien. but I dont know if a 14 year old should be hangin out wit him. Usally. my mom talks to them and tells them dont do anything. and they dont.. but I don’t know should I or no??

Answer #1

um no.. why dont you try meetin people in real life..

Answer #2

she said she actully needs to talk to him and met him first… but she doesn’t know.

Answer #3

Lmao… I do… and like I met shawn in real life. 1. but I was like…11..

Answer #4

ummm no. thats weird to meet someone from the internet!! I would never do that not even a girl…thats my opinion…and what would your mom think??

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