Should I move on or carry on?

I’m 17 and I’ve been with my boyfriend, 22 for 7months now. Our relationship has had more downs than ups, so most peopler dont see or understand why we’re still together.and these days neither can I. His so insecure. Also he tries to manipulate me all the time, and always lies to me. All my close friends keep telling me how much I’ve changed since I’ve been with him saying im not the confident strong girl I used to be. I do love him but im sick of how we are, always arguing and falling out over nothing. I know I’m 17 and should be out there having fun, theres a few guys who have said they are interested in me, and well I miss the feeling of being adored, and all the compliments guys give you. My boyfriend doesnt ever say positive things about me, unless the wants something. He is a great guy, I know im not making him sound like it, but he is. I want things to work out between us, but I just dont know what else to do. I just dont know whether I should commit and make things work, or to move on and have fun? Any advice?

Answer #1

seems to me that you really love him tell how you feel butit seems that you need to find yourself.because you love him I wouldn’t susjust ceating on him. so if he doesn’t open up and acceted and respect that you have your own mind the maybe you should take a brake until he comes around and please! please1 USE YOUR OWN MIND

Answer #2

wow my boyfriend and I were the same way. he is only two years older than me but we fought all the time and none of my friends thought I was good enough for him. and they said I changed, even my grandpa told me I changed? haha. but if you really love him then talk to him about how you feel. I bet he doesnt like you guys fighting either, even if he starts them. no one ever enjoys fighting or arguing. you have to do what you want. even if everyone else is against him you can still love him and be with him, if thats what you want. I think you need to figure out if you want to commit with him or if you want to move on. and if you want to commit then you should talk to him about fixing your problems and trying to make your relationship better. if he wants to work on it to then thats great and hopefully you will both become happier. =)

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