Should I Move Again

I just moved to Cali From Va and im living with my father..him and I have never had a strong relationship and I have lived with my mother all my life ! Well im starting to get really home sick and the only time I dont feel that way is when I with my boyfriend who I have only just started dating ! yesterday I we spent the whole day talking and cuddling and I was soo happy buhh then when it came time for him to go home and me to go home.. I get like this depressed homesick feeling, I cant sleep I dont have an apitite. I want to move back to virginia but he is the reason im I dont want to aswell.. I have been in quite a few serious relationship but I feel ver strongly about him..I need help I don’t know what to do

Answer #1

Stick it out for love and visit home, take chances, you only live once, call your mom and tell her how feel

Answer #2

you need to stay and find out if it was meant to be!. you do live only once. and you never know love unless you truly surrender to it. screw how you feel if you love him and feel strongly then stay and find out. its better to know if you would of or wouldntve made it with him.

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