Should I make my move now?

I had talked to this extremely beautiful girl all summer, just to befriend someone cause I went through a rough period and I had only one guy friend to support me through it. Two weeks before school started, despite saying she was going to hang out with me and my guy friends, she got a high school boyfriend. We’ve been in school only a week, and she never returned my phone calls to come hang out with me. Now getting online tonight, I see that she’s single after breaking up with her boyfriend I suppose. Should I make my move tomorrow or give it a while?

Answer #1

Just don’t go past the point of no return. Don’t let her share her deepest feelings with you, or else you’ve gained too much trust. And then it’s all ruined…

Answer #2

Nope - its too soon, she’s probley too vulnerable right now. Guys make this mistake all the time, give her time and space, she JUST got out of a relationship.

Answer #3

give it a while but not too long id say a week good luck hun

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