Should I let him be?

My boyfriend doesnt like me going out with my friends, which are guys. He thinks that being with them at 10pm is too late to be out with them. Then he busts out asking me “whats the deal with you and him”? This the second night I go out with my friend. The reason I hang out with him is becuase I dont like to stay at home all weekend, becuse my boyfriend gets up too early to go to work and is too tired to hang out with me. I think he is over reacting, tonight I got home at 12pm I was with my friend and my sister. Should I let my boyfriend act like this, take charge, or keep hanging out with my friends even if he doesnt like it?

Answer #1

Just tell him how it is, tell him if you feel he isnt giving you all the attention you want. But you have to re-assure him that you care about him, and not this other guy…

But you have to see it in his point of view also… Would you like it if he was with a different girl late at night???

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