should I join ms?

im almost 14 and all my friends have a myspace. they make it seem so fun. theyre like, ‘’aly, you should get 1” so im like, “I cant because im not allowed” and then my friends are all,”ill make you 1!!” so should I get 1? is it fun?

Answer #1

It’s fun,but you have to be careful about who you add and talk to,it’s very customizable than FunAdvice,I have one myself. Sometimes it does get boring,but it depends on how you use it.

Answer #2

Nah, I’ve used both for over 4 years. MySpace has a lot of add ons, but Facebook is practical and easier to navigate. Love the FaceBook!

Answer #3

It’s like w/e sorta like FA just a few differences not really something to be made into a big “fun” deal to me it’s like eh >.< lol it’s all up to you if you’d like to socialize with people all over the world but beware for the internet dangers lurk at every corner lol =P

Answer #4

NO! It is full of perverts, and it loads REALLY slow. A lot of creepo old guys hit on you…and it is no place for anyone…except creepo guys. PLUS, if you are not allowed…don’t. You WILL get caught…trust me, I know. My sister made one when she was 13, and my parents found out. You know how? On the bill you get for the internet etc. it says all of the websites you have been to(on mine at least.) It is not that fun, and NOT worth it.

Answer #5

Facebook? Facebook is safer…but MUCH MORE BORING!

Answer #6

MySpace is super boring. Facebook is better.

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