Should I have this baby?

I dont know what to do I am so stressed out. I put in as much as I can if you have more questions just ask and I will answer. I have a lump by my intestins I was going in for surgey and I had blood work and I am pregnet I really dont want this baby. My mom is getting costody of my first two I cant even take care of them. I really dont want this.

Answer #1

I’ll skip the obvious of why you keep getting pregnant if you cant take care of your kids. No one can answer this question for you. All you’re going to get on here is a bunch of people telling you it is your choice, and a bunch of people telling you that it is murder, sin, life, etc etc etc… Now, you have to look within yourself. Obviously you are not capable of caring for a child. So, this isnt about whether you’re going to have a child and keep it. It is about whether you’re going to burden your mother with another child, give up the child for adoption, or have an abortion. That is completely your decision. You have to decide what is best in this situation. Personally, I work with a lot of kids from dysfunctional homes. Actually scratch that, all the kids I work with come from dysfunctional homes. I dont think another one needs to be put through that. But at the end of the day it is up to what you are able to live with. And seriously, it’s called birth control. Use it.

Answer #2

I think you should start thinking of contraception. It’s a decision you are going to have to make. However my opinion is stop having children and take care of the two you have, some people can not have any atal. You have two precious lives and I think your thoughts should be with those. Hope you make the right decision for you all.

Answer #3

I’m very sorry to hear about your first two children. And it’s hard to answer questions like these…but I’m not going to judge you…everyone does things in their lives they’re not proud of. And if they gave people the chance to comment on them, I’m sure they wouldn’t get any good feed back. But you’re asking for advice…so I’ll give you my advice. In my opinion, I think you should consider adoption. It’s sad because then your first two may never know their little brother or sister. But there is someone out there who wants that baby, and they might not be able to have babies…so it would bless their lives very much. Another thing to think about is, How are you going to feel in the future? When it’s all said and done, 10 or 20 years down the road, are you making decisions that you’re going to regret. Why can’t you take care of your first two? Is it a money issue or are you just not ready to be a mother? Is the father(s) still involved…if not I’m sure that is very difficult. I have a friend who has two babies by two different men, and they both bailed on her when she was 6 months pregnant. Of course she is struggling to get by but she is a wonderful mother and she is truly happy. Best of luck to you and I hope you end up making the right decision, whatever that may be for you. And it never hurts to pray! :) God bless!

Answer #4

Please just take some serious time to think about what your going to do. Because your decision will come back to haunt u.

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