Should I have sex because???

Ohkay me and my boyfriend have been getting very serious for the last year & a few months too the point we talked about sex. He’s not a virgin & I am. I want too cause my friends are & I want too try it with him. But he told me if im not ready I dont have too he’ll wait as lonq as he have too & dont do it just because’ he want to & my friends are. Im scared sooo scared I want to but I dont what should I do..! (helpp)!!!

Answer #1

Next time you’re fooling around with him just clear you mind and let your instincts take over. If you’re ready you’ll keep going and if your not then you’ll know when you should stop. Make sure you do it because YOU want to, not because you want to please him or anyone else.

Answer #2

well it5 good that he said that he will wait untill yew are ready that means that he cares about yew and sex is reallt not that important 2 him if yew feel like yew ready and want 2 do it!. yew kant but make sure yew cover up meaning make sure he wear a comdom thats important!. I did a dumb thing by not usinq one!. he asked me but I said it dont matter!. but anyway yew are not ready make sure yew say your are not!. because he kant read your mind!.—but stay safe if yew decide 2 do it!!.

Answer #3

He said it’s YOUR choice. If you want it, do it. If u don’t, don’t.

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