Should I have a fringe?

hi, so I am getting my hair cut in a week, and I have no idea how to have it done any ideas? and based on my pics should I get a fringe??

Answer #1

Think you should give it a try.Even when you dont like it,but hair are always growing.So if you dont like it,wait for it to grow long again.So give it a try.^^

Answer #2

I think you look fantastic in the picture you have. Fringe would like nice. Here is a link to Sara Jessica Parker’s looks. I think you can have an idea what fringe would look like on you. You resemble Sara Jessica Parker but you are much prettier. I like the waves in your hair like hers in her first picture. Maybe get chestnut brown for a haircolor instead of the fringe. I think the darker hair would look more attractive perhaps? Here is the link but I don’t want to create a direct link because it’s against the rules I believe on this site. You know you have to put” www. “ first

Answer #3

I really hate to see you cut your hair at all, it is so pretty. Yes, hair does grow again but it takes so long for it to grow back. Most guys like long hair.

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