Should I go to Australia?

Should I go there since I’m having a week of holidays.I’m planning to spent $5000.What could I buy there for my wife and children who are going with me too?

Answer #1

no, dont come here to buy exotic pets there really arnt any and anyway, you cant legally take them back to your country if you want an animal, youd need to live here taking one back would be illegal this is something you need to understand more also if your going to stay here with $5000 youll neeed to find some cheap hotel/motels or get a tent to sleep in come here for the expirience and to discover new places dont illegally bring our animals back to your country because quarentine will either give you a huge fine or send you to jail buy souvonires like a TOY kangaroo, koala, ect and those above are not pets either if you want to keep an animal like that you need to permanently live here and have a license or be the manager of a zoo

Answer #2

Determine what would make you wife and children happiest.

Answer #3

Indeed you should. You don’t have to buy anything..just discover Australia. =)

Answer #4

I have to buy some gifts or something unique like any pets.Any exotic out there?

Answer #5

Well thanks for the Advice!

Answer #6

A kangaroo? lol I’m joking..I’m not sure..a Snake? some kind of bird? I don’t really know..

Answer #7

A Bearded Dragon :) they’re only found in Aus but people buy them and breed them overseas. I have one and I love him to bits. Good luck

Answer #8

A Bearded Dragon :) they’re only found in Aus but people buy them and breed them overseas. I have one and I love him to bits. Good luck

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