Should I go back to him?

I cheated on a boyfriend 7 months ago. I told him I was sorry on Thursday, the first time I talked to him in 7 months. He now wants to see me and hook up, possibly get back together. But he really wants to talk things out. Should I do it? I do care for him, but I’m afraid to be used…

Answer #1

You cheated, relationship ended, both havent talked for 7 mos. and all of a sudden he wants to see you, and HOOK UP? If you dont want to be USED, then you need to stop being so naive, AND desperate! Your relationship is over, you screwed up, time to move on.

Answer #2

oh yeahh well im not desperate. I’m fine on my own, but I don’t want to hurt him by rejecting him. We’ve both been with different people since then but I don’t know…

Answer #3

You dont want to hurt him by rejecting his request for “hooking up”? Are you kidding? That isnt rejecting him, its called respecting yourself! Once a couple breaks up, things are NEVER the same. Maybe he just wants to “get back at you” for cheating on him. (as in USE you) Its YOUR life, no one can tell you what to do, but if you step outside that little bubble of yours, you might just see things more clearly!

Answer #4

you know what I think that other person is right and it hurts a lot to get cheated on I had it happen to me 3 times if you to go back together you do know that he wont be able to ever trust you the way he use to he will say oh its ok it doesnt bother me anymore and that he trust you but you two ever get into a fight hes going to bring it up trust me I’ve been there done that it hurts to get cheated on

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